Wedding of Lawrence Carlyle and Catherine Heaps

Friday June 7th 2002

( Move the mouse arrow over any picture - 
for the Editor's witty comments. )


Pre-wedding buildup
(Photo's taken the night before the big day)

Loz trying to look cool

Loz and his bride to be

Mavis and Vic (Loz's new In-Laws)

Loz, Mavis and Vic

Richard hardly contains his excitement

Emma feels the same way


The big event
(Pictures shown at random)

Loz and Catherine

drifting apart already

Say cheese Connor

Can I help you?

Alison looking posh

The Heap's meet the new Carlyle's

Photies by Connor Bailey

Photies by Connor Bailey

Vic, Mavis, Catherine, Loz, Phil and Vicky.

Get off my bum Phil!!!


( Move the mouse arrow over any picture - 
for the Editor's witty comments. )