Chris and Rachel come for a visit.
(19th May 2001 - 01 June 2001)


Here are a few pictures of Mum and Dad's visit.

Grandpa, Connor and Granny at the gardens.

Grandpa, Connor and Granny at the gardens.

Grandpa, Connor and Alison

Grandpa, Connor and Alison

Chris wandering around

Chris wandering around

The water garden

The water garden

A garden

A garden

Grandpa and Connor

Grandpa and Connor

Granny and Connor

Granny and Connor



Alison, Mum and Dad going to the Theatre

Alison, Mum and Dad going to the theatre

Wall outside Kennedy Center

Wall outside Kennedy Center

Alison and Dad outside Kennedy Center

Alison and Dad outside Kennedy Center

What's that on my foo

What's that on my foot
