Jamaica 2002
On Wednesday afternoon we
decided to go on a half day excursion.
Alison, mum and the kids went off to Dunn River Falls,
while me and father went to play with some All Terrain Vehicles.
While we were waiting at
the ATV place we decided that now was
a good time to take some photies. Whilst taking the pictures we noticed
the owners had a donkey.
On seeing the donkey we decided to go over and pet it.
The donkey was pretty tame, it was a
hot day and dad
being a huge animal lover went over to the pet it.
Now I don't know what he said to it, but he obviously has a way with animals
When the kids saw this picture they
all said
"Grandad... why has that donkey got 5 legs?"
The ATV trail took us up 700ft which
gave us the opportunity
to see some spectacular views
This is one of many Golf courses on
the Island. This new course
was opened by Tiger Woods sometime last year and costs
a whopping $280 to play a round.
When we returned from the trip it
was only 3 o'clock and we realised
that the rest of the family wouldn't be back until after 6.
So we were stuck as to what we should do next.
We could either go back to the room to do all the
ironing or we could go to the bar....
As we got to the bar my dad asked
the barman which cocktail was the most popular.
Mudslides replied the Barman. Ok we'll have two please.
6 mudslides later we ventured off to the Adult pool, neither of us had
been in it yet, so we thought we would do a recce and see what it was
It was then that my Dad had a flash of brilliance, he said we should leave
note in the room explaining where we were gonna be.
The note read
"Dear all, we are in the Adult pool on the Mudslide"
As you can see there is no slides to
be found anywhere,
well we thought it was funny especially after the drinks
It was in the bar that we started
discussing the fact that he was going to be a
Grandad again, at the end of February and that Connor must be excited about
the prospect
of having a younger brother or sister to play with.
( Move the mouse arrow over
any picture -
for the Editor's witty comments. )