The Howse clan arrive.

We arrived at our resort after taking the coach trip from the airport. The trip lasted for an hour and took us through some pretty unspectacular countryside. 
Once we arrived we loaded up the packhorse (me) and set off up the hill, to our digs. 

Only 100 yards to go.    Nearly there!

These pictures don't give the hill credit...It was huge!


Outside our Cottage

Richard is tired already.....big hill.    Emma doing her Estate Agent act.

Richard in the front room                                        Emma in Kitchen

Our Bedroom    Do we have to share a room....Dad?

Our Room                                                                 Kids room

Mum and Dad's Love Palace.....need I say more.

Outside the Love Shack


Once we had all settled in and unpacked we all decided that food was the order of the day. 
However before we all went out to eat the kids decided that we needed to freshen up in the Sea. So me and Grandad took the kids down to the cove for a quick dip. The water was surprisingly warm and the beach had lovely soft sand.

Cove where we went swimming tonight.

After Connor had soaked everything he was wearing, we traipsed back up the hill for a dinner of mixed grill and salad. Several Gin and Tonics, wine, beer and brandy drinks later we came to the conclusion that we were suffering from jetlag and needed some off to bed we went.

( Move the mouse arrow over any picture - 
for the Editor's witty comments. )
