Tuesday, March 20, 2001

Set off for Arlington National Cemetery today… 
it’s quite a long walk from the British Embassy to the cemetery,
But an interesting and enjoyable one.
I walked across Arlington bridge, leading up to the visitor’s center and 
after picking up a route guide for the cemetery,
I made my way in.

Arlington National Cemetary

When you walk out into the cemetery it stops you in your tracks.

In every direction you look, there’s row after row of gravestones,
I sat down looking round and thinking my god what a waste of life!

Most of these people probably died far away from home and far away from their family.
The thought of having to do this myself makes me feel sick.

Arlington National Cemetary

It makes me think how lucky I am and on how much I owe to all the people 
who gave their lives both here and in the UK,
A great sacrifice to keep us free!

Arlington National Cemetary

I visited the grave of president Kennedy,
I can remember as a teenager watching the assassination of 
what was a great man; it’s a sick world.

Eternal Flame

The changing of the guard at the grave of the Unknown Soldier was impressive 
and carried out with great precision,Dignity and enormous pride.

Kennedy's grave

Not a sound was heard from all the people watching.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier   Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier   Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


Thanks…hope you like it so far.

(Editor and Webmaster steps in) 

What my Uncle Mick forgot to mention is that he has more maps of DC in
His possession, at this time, than the Surveyors of Metro DC.

 He also fails to mention that he has had a bit of trouble with his sense of direction over the last 10 days.
Not to mention he didn’t see the need of a mobile phone because he was used to this sort of trip and would never get lost.

 This year the (Dias, da Gama, Cabral and Magellan) navigator award goes to:

Michael Frederick Hall
(A superstar in the making)

(I will let him explain when he gets home)


Next Day