Friday, March 16, 2001

Walked it DC today and after a bagel and coffee on the mall I walked towards the Vietnam memorial.

   Vietnam Memorial - The wall

Vietnam Memorial - The wall   Vietnam Memorial - The wall

Vietnam Memorial - The wall   Vietnam Memorial - The wall

These pictures were taken off another website.
If you are interested please visit:

There were quite a number of visitors at the wall, the quietness was eerie!

The number of names on the walls was staggering.
I walked along row after row of names of people lost to the war. 
Available to the public were books with all the names in,
That would tell you which tablet to go to, and the numbered row, you could then if you wish collect a pencil and special paper to make an impression to take away. 
At the bottom of the tablets were flowers and tributes to the people lost, 
it was very moving to read some of the letters;

Vietnam Memorial - The wall

I walked away in a somber mood.
I walked along to the Holocaust Exhibit but the queues for this were already round the corner, 
later in the week maybe.

Holocaust Museum

Next I visited the American museum; I found that very interesting showing you all Americas past, different cultures etc.

 The Natural History museum also very interesting I enjoyed the dinosaur section best.

The Art gallery was next with paintings from all over the globe by all the famous artists.
I had lunch there, be it a late one, great  food and a waterfall in the background to relax you.

Art gallery   Art gallery

Art gallery

I then walked back through DC to meet Paul at the British Embassy and then went home, via the local!

Next Day