The journey begins – Friday 09 March 2001

I started this journey by leaving Lancaster in England, at 4 o’clock Friday morning.

Lancaster Castle

I arrived at Heathrow at 8 o’clock and met Paul at 9 o’clock.
We went and had breakfast and started to board the plane at 11:15.
Virgin Airlines

Once on board we noticed that the plane was half empty, so we managed to get 3 seats each, all to ourselves. The Virgin flight was excellent and we got fantastic customer service. 
I had Thai curry for the main meal and watched Men of Honor (great film).

 We arrived at Dulles International Airport at approx. 3 o’clock in the afternoon (8 o’clock in the evening U.K. time). I had been traveling for 16 hours so far. After clearing customs and Immigration we set off for the car park.

Dulles International Airport

We arrived back at the house at 5:15 and immediately put the kettle on.

Paul & Alison's house

Alison and Connor arrived home at 6 o clock. After Connor had gone to bed I took a shower and watched a bit of TV. We had some sandwiches and a few Gin and Tonics. By 9 o clock both Paul and myself were knackered. It was not long before we went to bed. All in all I had been up for 22 hours and boy was I tired.

Next Day